The role of KV1.3 on Ca2+ signalling and neutrophil effector functions

Neutrophils play a critical role during the inflammatory response. Recent studies have demonstrated that loss of the voltage-gated potassium channel KV1.3 impairs sustained calcium signalling during neutrophil activation leading to impaired phagocytosis and neutrophil adhesion. Here we aim to dissect the exact role of KV1.3 in neutrophil functionality with specific focus on neutrophil recruitment, NET release and inflammasome activation.
Cytosolic S100A8/A9 Promotes Ca2+ Supply at LFA-1 Adhesion Clusters during Neutrophil RecruitmentNapoli, M.; Immler, R.; Rohwedder, I.; Lupperger, V.; Pfabe, J.; Gonzalez Pisfil, M.; Yevtushenko, A.; Vogl, T.; Roth, J.; Salvermoser, M.; Dietzel, S.; Slak Rupnik, M.; Marr, C.; Walzog, B.; Sperandio, M.; Pruenster, M.
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