The goals of the equal opportunity committee:
A. Increase female scientists on the level of project leaders/PIs
B. Qualification of female early career scientists for a successful scientific career
C. Create a family-friendly workspace and support parents with young children
D. Increase diversity, support minorities and LGBTQ+ employees
Check out below our sponsored event in Munich!
Diversity, Identity & Fate at Biomedical Frontiers

Here are links to different offers of the participating universities dealing with equality:
Family Service
Universitätsklinikum Essen (only German)
Für werdende Eltern
Kinder Betreuung
Other (psychological help, migration)
University of Münster
Family service office
Family and children
Equal opportunity officer
Programs for female scientists
University Hospital Münster (only German)
Family service
Further interesting and useful links:
Women in Science Network of the Medical Faculty Münster
DFG website on equal opportunity and diversity
Do you have further questions or need support in the mentioned topics? Please get in touch with us!