Seminarreihe (Hybrid):

  • 16:00 Get together
  • 16:40 Flashlight talks
  • 17:00 Invited lecture

Journal Club:

  • 17:00 - Über Zoom


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Sep 03, 2024 flashlight talk B2

invited lecture by Sara Wickström (MPI Münster)
Title t.b.a.
MPI Münster lecture hall

Sep 10, 2024 journal club B2
Sep 15, 2024 SFB TRR 332 Retreat


Sep 17, 2024 Symposium

International Symposium Neutrophil 2024


Sep 24, 2024 flashlight talk B3

invited lecture by Denis Schapiro (Heidelberg University)
Title t.b.a.
MPI Münster lecture hall


Okt. 01, 2024 journal club B3
Okt. 03, 2024 Maustag 2024

Science outreach

Okt. 08, 2024 flashlight talk B4

invited lecture by Yuval Shaked (Israel Institute of Technology),
Title to be announced
MFZ seminar room EG 0.005

Okt. 09, 2024 Joint meeting

DFG-funded CRC consortia and graduate schools
Importance and Highlights of Cardiac, Vascular and Kidney Research in Germany

more info

Okt. 15, 2024 journal club B4
Okt. 22, 2024 flashlight talk B5

invited lecture tba
Host: UDE

Okt. 29, 2024 journal club B5
Nov. 05, 2024 flashlight talk C1

invited lecture by Jörg Renkawitz (LMU München)
Mechanobiology of Immune Responses: from Cell Motility to NETosis 

host: LMU

Nov. 11, 2024 International day of science

Science outreach

Nov. 12, 2024 journal club C1
Nov. 19, 2024 flashlight talk C2

invited lecture by Adrian Schreiber (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Title to be announced

Nov. 26, 2024 journal club C2
Dez. 03, 2024 flashlight talk C3

invited lecture by Vincenzo Bronte (University of Verona)
Title to be announced

Dez. 10, 2024 journal club C3
Dez. 17, 2024 flashlight talk C5

invited lecture by Charlotte Scott (VIB-Uni Gent)
Title to be announced
MPI lecture hall

Jan. 07, 2025 journal club C5
Jan. 14, 2025 flashlight talk C6

invited lecture by David Brea Lopez (Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Barcelona)
Title t.b.a., host: UDE

Jan. 21, 2025 journal club C6
Jan. 28, 2025 flashlight talk C7

invited lecture by Jaap D. van Buul (University of Amsterdam)
Title to be announced
MPI lecture hall

Febr. 04, 2025 journal club C7
Febr. 11, 2025 flashlight talk Z1

invited lecture by Wolfgang Kastenmüller (Universität Würzburg)
Title tba
MPI Münster Lecture Hall

Febr. 18, 2025 journal club Z1
Febr. 25, 2025 flashlight talk INF

invited lecture by Sergio Catz (The Scripps Research Institute - USA)
Title tba

März 04, 2025 journal club INF
März 11, 2025 Flashlight talk AP1

 invited lecture Isabelle Arnold Wallén (University of Zurich)
Title tba
MPI Münster Lecture Hall

März 18, 2025 journal club AP1
März 25, 2025 flashlight talk A1

 invited lecture by Christoph Scheiermann (University of Geneva)
Title tba
MPI Münster Lecture Hall

Apr. 01, 2025 journal club A1
Apr. 08, 2025 flashlight talk A2

invited lecture by Simon Haas (Berlin Institute for Medical System Biology)
Title tba
MPI Münster Lecture hall

Apr. 15, 2025 journal club A2
Apr. 22, 2025 flashlight talk A3

invited lecture by Miguel Soares (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Portugal)
Title tba
MPI Münster Lecture hall

Apr. 29, 2025 journal club A3
Mai 05, 2025 TRR 332 Retreat 2025

Retreat in Münster, May 5-9.

Mai 13, 2025 flashlight talk A4

invited lecture by Taco Kuijpers (Amsterdam University Medical Center)
MPI Münster Lecture Hall

Mai 20, 2025 journal club A4
Mai 27, 2025 flashlight talk A5

invited lecture by Jack Leslie (Newcastle University)
Title t.b.a.
MPI Münster Lecture Hall

Juni 03, 2025 journal club A5
Juni 10, 2025 flashlight talk A6

invited lecture by Arturo Zychlinsky (Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology)
Title t.b.a.

Juni 17, 2025 journal club A6
Juni 24, 2025 flashlight talk A7

invited lecture Anja Erika Hauser (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Title t.b.a.
MPI Münster lecture hall

Sep 02, 2025 journal club A7