TRR332 awards 2024 round of pilot and strategic grants

To support early-stage scientists and to support strategic developments, TRR332 has awarded a total of four grants. Submitted grants were reviewed by the scientific advisory board and the following applications were chosen for funding:

Susmita Ghosh (Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, ISAS ) & Dr. Claudia Tulotta (Institute of Experimental Pathology, UniMS): Dissecting the neutrophil-tumor cell interactome using SILAC-labelling. (Pilot project)

Dr. Almke Bader (Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology, LMU) & Collins Osei-Sarpong (Institute of Experimental Pathology, UniMS): Analysis of neutrophil heterogeneity in steady state and during inflammation in zebrafish larvae (Pilot project)

Dr. Daniela Maier-Begandt (Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology, LMU) / Dr. Monika I. Linder (Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, LMU): Visualizing protein dynamics in live neutrophils: endogenous protein tagging in Hoxb8 cell-derived neutrophils (strategic project)

Dr. Angelika Rambold (Inst. of Medical Biochemistry, UniMS) & Dr. Jianxu Chen (Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, ISAS): Developing a Multispectral Organelle Imaging Platform to Unveil Orga-Metabolic Signatures of Neutrophils in Acute and Chronic Inflammation (strategic project)


Congratulations to all awardees and good luck with your project. The next call for pilot and strategic projects will be released in January 2025.