Setting sails for the second funding period – casting junior investigators
On April 12, 2024, the TRR332 hosted a first meeting for aspiring junior Principal Investigators at the prestigious Park Akademie of the UKM - Münster. This landmark event signifies our commitment to nurturing the next generation of neutrophil scientists, empowering them to spearhead transformative projects within the TRR 332 framework, and fostering their academic advancement. With an eye towards the future, our aim is to equip these emerging researchers with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in their careers within academia. By providing comprehensive support and guidance, we aspire to cultivate a cohort of young, promising scientists who possess the potential to evolve into esteemed researchers and esteemed professors within the dynamic and expanding field of neutrophil biology. At the day of the meeting, members of the TRR332 Executive Board as well as of the Early Career’s Committee provided critical feedback to scientific presentations of junior investigators and in a closed session identified some candidates that will be mentored and guided over the next two years to help them advance in their career. Specifically, we will provide mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to resources ultimately aimed at helping the junior investigators to become full members of TRR332 in the second funding period.